Helpful Links
Dorevitch Pathology – Official website for Dorevitch Pathology This pathology company has a collection centre here at the clinic.
Medicare Australia – Government health care website.
Better health channel – Health and medical information for consumers, from the Victorian government.
Diabetes Australia – “Minimising the impact of diabetes”. Includes publications, news and events, subsidised products, national programs and more.
Diabetes Victoria – Diabetes Australia’s Victorian website. Includes support groups, information on healthy eating end Ifestyle advice.
Asthma Victoria – Official website for the Asthma Foundation of Victoria.
Coeliac Society of Victoria – A site for people in Victoria who have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease. Membership provides information on a variety of topics including livingwith a gluten free diet.
Heart Foundation Australia – Official website for the Heart Foundation of Australia Includes information for both professionals and members of the community on fighting cardiovascular disease.
Arthritis Victoria – Arthritis information and support page for Victorians.
Alzhemers Australia – Alzhemers information and support page for Australians.